Friday, May 25, 2012

Day to Night

In this assignment we had to change it from day to night. First step I went about doing was to clean the plate which means getting anything you don't want out of your scene. Then i gave it some color adjustments messing with curves, levels, and brightness and contrast. After this I went into the channel box and selection one of the option red , green, and blue. The one that had more contrast I chose which was blue. Then started to painted out the silhouette which was going to be the layer mask. After this i equipped the layer mask to one of my layers. I inverted the selection and deleted the sky. In which I added my own sky which has a night time feel for it and eerie kind of moon. Then after this I started giving it photo filter and a color fill to get the night scene just right. Then I added a detail of a river to give it an creative edge so it doesn't look so boring. I added detail to the stream to get it blend right with the ground, painting the edges a mixture of gray and blue, then giving the blending option to overlay so it looked just right. Then the final step I added fog. This was a pretty fun project, I do see my improvement in  Photoshop. .This project also gave me some new skills for advance selection that I could of used in earlier projects.

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